Curriculum & Courses
Multidisciplinary Studies: Security Studies is a strong major that requires both hard and soft skills, which are reinforced in our curriculum. The Flight Path BS degree requires 120 total credit hours, with 40 hours of general education courses.
Keep in mind that as a degree completion program, we accept transfer credits, which may significantly reduce your required hours to graduate. The required Multidisciplinary Studies: Security Studies courses include the following:
General education requirements - 40 credit hours
For information about courses that carry general education credit, view the
General Education Program
Research and seminar courses - 6 credit hours
SECS 1000 - Introduction to Security Studies
SECS 4000 - Senior Seminar in Security Studies
Required courses - 9 credit hours
JUST 1000 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
POLS 2020 - Introduction to International Relations
POLS 3031 - Research Design for Political Science
Required writing course - 3 credit hours
POLS 2090 - Writing for Political Science
or a program director approved rhetoric or writing course
Elective courses - 24 credit hours
Choose 2 courses from at least 4 different prefixes with no more than 12 hours from any one prefix.
Choose a minimum of 24 credits from the below electives:
ANTH 3027 - Human Diseases and Ancient Environments
BIOL 4150 - Pestilence, Politics and Conquest
EHST 2110 - Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences
EHST 3350 - Safe Water
EHST 3351 - Safe Water Laboratory
EHST 3370 - Waste Water Management
EHST 3371 - Waste Water Management Laboratory
EHST 4350 - Vector Borne Disease Ecology
EHST 4351 - Vector Borne Disease Ecology and Laboratory
EHST 4520 - Biological and Chemical Health Hazards
EHST 4530 - Physical and Radiological Health Hazards
EHST 5010 - Principles of Toxicology
EHST 5011 - Principles of Toxicology and Laboratory
EHST 5800 - Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
EHST 5801 - Solid and Hazardous Waste Management and Laboratory
GEOG 2300 - Environment and Society
GEOG 2350 - Climate Change: Science and Society
GEOG 3003 - Political Geography
GEOG 3430 - Geographic Information Systems I or
PLAN 3430 - Geographic Information Systems I
GEOG 4250 - Environmental Impact Analysis
GEOG 4325 - Resources, Population, and Development
GEOG 4340 - GIS for Health Studies
GEOG 4410 - Advanced Cartographic Design and Production
GEOG 4430 - Geographic Information Systems II or
PLAN 4430 - Geographic Information Systems II
HIST 3121 - American Military History to 1900
HIST 3122 - American Military History Since 1900
HIST 3260 - The United States and the Middle East, 1783 to the Present
HIST 3350 - War and Society
HIST 3680 - Women and Gender in the Middle East
ICTN 2150 - Network Fundamentals
ICTN 2151 - Network Fundamentals Laboratory
ICTN 2900 - Fundamental Network Security
ICTN 2901 - Fundamental Network Security Laboratory
ITEC 3800 - Cost and Capital Project Analysis
JUST 3101 - Conflict Management
JUST 3500 - Principles of Criminal Law
JUST 3501 - Criminal Procedure
JUST 4005 - Organized Crime
JUST 5000 - Comparative Criminal Justice
PLAN 1900 - Sustainable Cities
PLAN 2410 - Introduction to GIS in Planning
PLAN 4015 - Disaster Planning
POLS 3080 - Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction
POLS 3144 - American Foreign Policy
POLS 3155 - National Security Policy
POLS 3180 - The US Intelligence Community
POLS 3260 - Middle Eastern Political Systems
POLS 3290 - Conflict and Peace in the Post-Cold War Era
POLS 3291 - Politics of Genocide in the Twentieth Century
POLS 3293 - International Organizations
POLS 4382 - Politics of Terrorism
POLS 4383 - War in the Modern Age
POLS 4983 - Internship in Political Science
RELI 1690 - World Religions
RELI 2691 - Classical Islam
RELI 3691 - Islam in the Modern World
RELI 3800 - Religion and Violence
SOCI 3219 - Sociology of Immigration
SOCI 2220 - Sociology of Deviant Behavior
SOCI 3235 - Population Trends and Problems
SOCI 3600 - Power and Politics in Society
SOCI 3330 - Criminology
Minor or approved structured electives - 18 credit hours