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Research Methods in Criminal Justice

Written by: East Carolina University®   •  Dec 30, 2024

A Researcher Studies Global Crime Statistics on a Monitor.

Research Methods in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order and ensuring justice for individuals within society. At its core, the criminal justice system aims to prevent and control crime, uphold laws, and rehabilitate offenders, all while ensuring that justice is served fairly and equitably. To achieve these objectives, research methods in criminal justice are used to provide evidence-based strategies, policies, and interventions that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the justice system.

Identifying why research is important is crucial for practitioners and policymakers who wish to make informed decisions that lead to positive outcomes in the criminal justice system. Furthermore, learning research methods is essential for criminal justice students pursuing careers in law enforcement, corrections, or legal fields.

What Is Criminal Justice?

Criminal justice is a broad field that encompasses various institutions, agencies, and processes designed to enforce laws, ensure public safety, and administer justice. It includes law enforcement agencies, the courts, corrections systems, and rehabilitation programs. The primary intent of criminal justice is to maintain social order, reduce crime, and ensure that individuals accused or convicted of crimes receive fair treatment within the legal system.

Criminal justice professionals, including police officers, prosecutors, judges, corrections officers, and social workers, work together to achieve these goals. They’re responsible for investigating crimes, apprehending and prosecuting offenders, sentencing individuals found guilty of crimes, and overseeing their rehabilitation or incarceration.

What Is Criminal Justice Research?

Criminal justice research informs and shapes policies, practices, and interventions across the entire justice system, and it contributes to our understanding of why criminal justice is important .

Through rigorous research, criminal justice researchers work to identify the underlying causes of crime, evaluate the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies, and develop evidence-based policies that promote fairness and justice.

Research in criminal justice is important because it fosters:

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Research provides data that criminal justice professionals can use to make informed decisions regarding law enforcement, sentencing, corrections, and rehabilitation.
  • Policy Development and Reform: Criminal justice research informs policymakers about which programs and policies are effective in reducing crime and improving the justice system, leading to more effective reforms.
  • Crime Prevention: By studying patterns and trends in criminal behavior, researchers can help design strategies to prevent crime before it occurs.
  • Program Evaluation: Research allows professionals to assess the success of existing programs, ensuring that resources are being used efficiently and that justice is being served.

4 Criminal Justice Research Methods

Criminal justice research employs several methodologies to gather and analyze data. The four primary research methods used in the field are exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative. Each method serves a purpose in contributing to the body of knowledge in criminal justice.

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is employed when limited information is available about a particular issue, crime trend, or phenomenon. The goal of exploratory research is to investigate new or emerging topics to gain a better understanding and develop hypotheses for further research. Researchers typically use this type of research when they don’t properly understand a problem and they need to gather preliminary data before conducting more in-depth studies.

  • Example: Exploring the rise of cybercrime and understanding how the rise in artificial intelligence might lead to increased fraud

Explanatory Research

Explanatory research seeks to explain the causes and effects of criminal behavior, crime trends, or justice system practices. This type of research aims to uncover the root causes of certain phenomena and establish causal relationships. Explanatory research is crucial for identifying the factors that contribute to criminal behavior and for understanding the impact of various justice interventions.

  • Example: Examining what factors contribute to recidivism among offenders

Descriptive Research

Descriptive research focuses on describing characteristics, behaviors, or trends related to crime, criminal behavior, or a demographic. The goal of descriptive research is to provide a detailed account of a particular phenomenon, such as crime rates in a specific area, offender demographics, or the effectiveness of a new policing strategy.

  • Example: Describing the trends in violent crime rates among teenagers in urban areas over the past decade

Evaluative Research

Evaluative research assesses the effectiveness of programs, policies, or interventions within the criminal justice system. This type of research helps policymakers and practitioners determine whether a particular program or policy is achieving its intended outcomes. Two Examples of evaluative research are policy evaluation and program evaluation.

Policy Evaluation

Policy evaluation assesses the impact of criminal justice policies, such as sentencing reforms, drug policies, or policing strategies. It helps determine whether the policy is effective in reducing crime or achieving other desired outcomes.

  • Example: Assessing the effectiveness of legalizing recreational cannabis use as it pertains to generating tax revenue and reducing the strain on correctional institutions

Program Evaluation

Program evaluation focuses on specific programs, such as rehabilitation programs, diversion initiatives, or reentry services. It measures whether the program is successfully meeting its objectives, such as reducing recidivism or improving participant outcomes.

  • Example: Evaluating the effectiveness of a drug rehabilitation program in reducing repeat offenses among participants

Further Your Education in Criminal Justice Research Methods

Criminal justice research is essential to creating a more effective and equitable justice system. Using various research methods, criminal justice researchers, law enforcement, policymakers, lawyers, and paralegals can better understand crime, identify solutions, and implement policies that make communities safer and more just.

For those interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice research, the online Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree completion program at East Carolina University®️ is an excellent first step. The program offers foundational knowledge in criminology, law enforcement, and the justice system, while also teaching the research methods that are crucial to success in the field.

With a strong foundation in criminal justice research methods, you can help create a more informed and equitable justice system that benefits society as a whole. Find out how ECU’s criminal justice program aligns with your professional aspirations, and take the first step to a rewarding career today.

Recommended Readings

Criminal Justice Careers and Outlook in NC

Criminology vs. Criminal Justice: Differences and Similarities

What Can You Do With a Criminal Justice Degree?


Brennan Center for Justice, “Why Inclusive Criminal Justice Research Matters”

Britannica, “Criminal Justice”

Center for Victim Research, Program Evaluation, “Descriptive Research”, “Exploratory Studies”

Dovetail, What Is Explanatory Research?, “Criminology and Criminal Justice Research: Methods”

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Forensic Science Technicians

SSRN, Criminal Justice Research Network